Set up camp sit or swim,fun had by all. Judy says place doesn't get over crowded, mostly known by only locals.Mt. Washington floats by gonna have to grab a ride on it one day.

Working sky jump and crayfish in the brook.

When hippies go legit. Gotta go picking here one day.

Here's a place that will bring you back . http://www.funspotnh.com/ My mouth hung open walking around this place. Every video game iv played has come to rest in one place. If a video game geek "such as myself" wants to break a record this is where one has to come. King Of Kong movie filmed here.

Van Halen and other eighty's music pumped in while you play.

Nice mix of tourist and real history. The cheesy board walk was old so cheese away. Great old houses on a nice pier. Mt. Washington and mail boat give tours on the lake.

Train station, behind this Mt. Washington docked.

Walking around tourist trap central, Judy says cops have to climb this hill in under two minutes to ride bike in this town. Bringing a bike next time to see how I match up. Hill is a killer we came down it in low 1.

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