Leaving our hotel in Baltimore we drove to the outskirts of Washington DC and got two trains to the Mall. Machines take money or cards and spit out tickets. Judy bought us all day passes that allow you to ride all trains all day for $9.00, beat that Six Flags.
This was the first time Judy and I had ever been to our nations capital. Mom had been here back in the early sixties. People just kept coming. http://www.glennbeck.com/
I'm a bit of a flag waver so it was nice to see the patriotism all over this place. Event over we were able to get closer to the stage on the way to the Lincoln Memorial. http://www.nps.gov/linc/ Abe has a sweet view once everybody gets out the way. Vietnam War Memorial has way more names then I could have imagined. http://www.nps.gov/kowa/ Korean War Memorial had a mix of the most realistic sculpture with flowing water, hedges and granite. This memorial is a must see. World War II memorial is a massive roman fountain. http://www.wwiimemorial.com/default.asp?page=home.asp
Morning walk took us to Fort McHenry Birthplace of the Star Spangled Banner. http://www.nps.gov/fomc/historyculture/index.htm Mom found where they kept the powder. Driving back toward the Inner Harbor we found Federal Hill